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Facet joint pain

Help stop the suffering

Facet joints are common sources of chronic back and neck pain.34 Like all joints, they go through wear and tear, causing pain as people age.

Facet joint pain can be relentless. But at Stryker, we’re just as relentless. Our main goal is giving you proven innovations that can make a real difference for your patients. Contact a rep if your patients are experiencing pain that includes:

  • Pain or tenderness in the lower back
  • Pain that increases with twisting at the waist or bending backward and extending the lower back
  • Pain that moves to the buttocks and hips or the back of the thighs—usually a deep, dull ache
  • Stiffness or difficulty with certain movements, such as standing up straight or getting up out of a chair
  • Difficulty rotating the head
  • Neck pain, headaches and/or shoulder pain

Contact a Rep

Know what's causing your patient's pain

Each vertebral body in the spine has three main points of movement: the intervertebral disc and the two facet joints. These facet joints are small, stabilizing joints located on either side of each vertebra and consist of bony knobs coated with a slippery cartilage.

Choose a minimally invasive option

If your patient’s pain doesn’t improve with conservative treatmentslike pain medication, exercise and physical therapy, posture correction, activity modification or steroid injectionsconsider treatment with radiofrequency ablation.