Radiofrequency ablation
Create brighter futures with RF treatment
Radiofrequency ablation is an effective treatment option for pain in the back and other peripheral areas including the hip, shoulder and knee. In fact, multiple clinical studies show that radiofrequency ablation significantly reduces pain severity and frequency for one year in the majority of patients.3456 As the opioid epidemic continues in the United States, radiofrequency ablation is a pain management technique that can provide an alternative to opioid medications.
More than one-third of American adults have low back pain that affects daily life and exercise7
In addition to back pain, frequent knee pain affects about 25% of adults8
1 year
Multiple clinical studies show that radiofrequency ablation significantly reduces pain severity and frequency for one year in the majority of patients3
Take a bolder approach to pain relief
When conservative treatments such as injections fail to provide lasting relief, there’s radiofrequency ablation—a minimally invasive procedure. Help your patients reclaim their mobility and their rightful quality of life.
Opioid useA growing epidemic9
“We at the FDA continue to be deeply concerned about the growing epidemic of opioid abuse, addiction and overdose - an epidemic directly related to the increasingly widespread misuse of powerful opioid pain medications.”
“The CDC estimated in 2014 that there were almost 19,000 overdose deaths in the United States associated with prescription opioids.”
“The United States must deal aggressively with opioid misuse and addiction, and at the same time protect the well-being of people experiencing the devastating effects of acute or chronic pain.
RF neurotomypatient outcomes
- Patients may experience significant pain relief for up to 2 years (when proper technique is used for facet denervation procedures).10
- Low complication reported for facet joint ablation and genicular nerve ablation.1112
- Improvements in functional status reported following RF ablation of the lumbar facet joints to treat lower back pain.13
- Improvements in quality of life reported following RF ablation to treat chronic knee pain and lumbar facet joint pain.1415
Knee pain by the numbers
of adults will experience knee pain8
of U.S. adults at risk to develop symptomatic knee osteoarthritis16
of osteoarthritis patients have some degree of movement limitation17
total knees expected to be performed by the year 203018
of patients in select studies experienced unfavorable long-term pain after knee replacement11