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Disc solutions

Help your patients with symptomatic discs

Nearly 10 million people suffer from lower back and leg pain at an estimated cost of more than $20 billion annually.34 In our relentless pursuit for better solutions, we created our Discmonitor discography probe and Dekompressor disc removal system, which give you clinically proven tools for identifying and treating symptomatic discs.56

Dekompressor disc removal system 

Smart technology for quantifiable results

Use our Dekompressor system to remove disc material during percutaneous discectomies. You may be able to use the removed material for disc biopsies. Multiple clinical studies show that percutaneous discectomies using our Decompressor system are successful for 90% of patients.7 This minimally invasive procedure reduces pressure on the nerve root by removing disc nucleus.

  • Removes quantifiable disc material 
  • No capital equipment required 
  • No thermal damage to the nerve root 
  • Provides sample for biopsy 

Please see Instructions for Use (IFU) for a complete listing of warnings, precautions and adverse events.

Discmonitor discography probe

Immediate feedback with precise control

Our Discmonitor probe furnishes accurate, detailed diagnostic information to assess the extent of intervertebral disc damage. It is the first and only device that measures time, pressure and volume during discography procedures, which helps ensure the most appropriate treatment planning and the efficient use of healthcare dollars.

  • Measures pressure and volume differentials 
  • Manually saves key data points for up to six discs with the push of a button 
  • Improves procedural standardization 
  • Automatically saves max values (pressure and volume) 
  • Provides real-time feedback via digital display 
  • Reduces potential error—no hand-recording of data 
  • Saves opening pressure